Inspried by Oma my Hawt Mess...

16 ounces almonds
1/4 cup butter (optional)
1/2 cup Hawt Mess Marinade
1/4 cup Ground Habanero salt with Red Pepper flakes to taste.
Step 1: Melt butter in saucepan over medium heat
Step 2: Add Hawt Mess and stir one –two minutes
Step 3: Pour in almonds, stirring to coat.
Step 4: Arrange almonds in an aluminum foil lined 13 x 9 cookie pan ~ Reynolds Release foil works great here or coat with butter spray
Step 5: Bake at 200º for 45 minutes; stirring every 15 minutes.
Step 6: Remove from oven to cool for one-two minutes, almonds should still be sticky for coating.
Step 7: In a Medium size mixing bowl coat almonds with Habanero salt.
Step 8: Spread on wax paper to cool.
* Store in an airtight container.